Miss Guided Astrology
The podcast dedicated to misguiding YOU. Attn! Your favorite weekly rising sign horoscopes are now on their own podcasts!
Miss Guided Astrology - Aries Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Taurus Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Gemini Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Cancer Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Leo Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Virgo Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Libra Rising
Miss Guided Astrology -Scorpio Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Sagittarius Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Capricorn Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Aquarius Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Pisces Rising
Join KT (Sag Sun, Aqua Moon, Pisces Rising) and Rob (Aqua Sun, Scorpio Moon, Aries Rising), two friends and students of Astrology, as they seek to answer listener questions by dissecting their birth charts. Interested in having your birth chart read on the Miss Guided Astrology Podcast? Do you have a life question only the sky can help answer? Email them at missguidedastrology@gmail.com
Miss Guided Astrology
Your fave weekly rising sign horoscope isn't gone, it just moved to its own podcast. Please go subscribe to your new Weekly Rising Sign Horoscope Podcast!
Miss Guided Astrology - Aries Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Taurus Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Gemini Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Cancer Risisng
Miss Guided Astrology - Leo Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Virgo Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Libra Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Scorpio Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Sagittarius Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Capricorn Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Aquarius Rising
Miss Guided Astrology - Pisces Rising
Review us on -insert your podcast app of choice here- OR shout us out on socials for a free Birth Chart Report!
Want to be featured in a chart dissection? Just shoot us an email with your birth deets and a question that is unique to you!
How to contact us:
email: MissGuidedAstrology@gmail.com
Website: missguidedastrology.com
IG: Miss Guided Astrology